Porch of the Rising Sun

#vanlife .

The store by our campground had a big porch with many chairs and a couple of tables.

We bought a couple of beers and a bag of dried mango and sat there in the shade reading.  As we sat there people came and went. It was difficult not to hear snippets of conversations.

Some had opted to take the bus because they had done too much driving.  I could relate to that.  Others were riding motorcycles from Canada, enjoying the roads but not the wildfire smoke.

There were some talking about plans for the week or friends and kids doing stupid things.  Trading a BMW for tattoos really did not seem that bright an idea.

As the afternoon wore on, the heat seeped in and a ride in our air conditioned van called us.  Maybe there is cell signal at the visitors center.  Or at least some free Wi-Fi…

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