The Great Deluge – another perspective

#vanlife .

Sitting in out van on Friday, we had a local radio station on and you know that awful emergency noise comes on so we turn it up. Emergency thunderstorm warning for Randall County which is where we are at the Palo Duro campground. So we pull in our chairs and go to bed.

We got a little bit of rain overnight and really didn’t think much about it. We went hiking and to the Trading Post for ice cream.

Saturday night we are sitting here listening to the radio and again the emergency noise comes on so we listen attentively but not our county so we figured from the clouds we might get some more rain but it shouldn’t be bad. We pull in the chairs and go to bed.

This time we are awakened by pounding rain maybe even some small hail. In the van it was very loud. Our hatch which automatically closes when it rains it blinking this bright red light. I wake up Mr Ram to shut off the light. We haven’t been camping for a while so he has to get out the directions, anyways it was a pain in the neck to shut this stupid bright red blinking light off.

We awake this morning to a beautiful green dessert. We had a dry night but our neighbor tent campers were a bit wet. Further down the road is a lower area. They had a River flowing through their sites some almost 10” deep. They awoke to MUD. Thick clay mud everywhere.

Some of them we saw pack up and leave and others were moved to higher ground by the Park Service.
Mr Ram and I were still planning on hiking but soon learned all the trails have been temporarily closed.
Oh well it’s Sunday so we will rest. Time for more coffee.

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