Over the years we try to avoid “Cold” and “Snow.” We do a pretty good job of avoiding “Snow”. However “Cold” seems to have a GPS tracker on us. When we arrive somewhere someone usually say, “Yeah it’s cold today but the past week has been warm and sunny!” (See how we did with Summer in Canada)
We eluded “Cold” for our first mid November day when we arrived in Massachusetts. It was a glorious warm, sunny day. “Cold” found us the next day and quickly became bitter cold over night.
Despite this, Mrs Ram insisted we get a walk in every few days.
We got to use ALL of our winter clothes.
Seeing friends and family over Thanksgiving was fun. However in the few weeks we were there “Cold” passed along our location to “Snow”. With several inches of snow in the Sunday and Monday forecast, we pointed Sparty south on Saturday night. Once again we were Rams Seeking Warmth.
Two AM Sunday found us catching a nap at a New Jersey turnpike rest area. We were far enough south so that “Snow” had to hand his job off to “Rain” which we preferred.
After breakfast at a Waffle House near Richmond, rain increased and weekend traffic thickened. We found a hotel with a pool.
Monday turned sunny and much warmer than the weather we left behind. We hoped our escape was complete.