Its been a while since we have posted here. That has partly been a lack of ambition. The other has been our website refused our password.
That should not have been a big issue. There is link that says, “I fogot my password.” Click on that I should have been good to go, right? When I did click on it I discovered that in a fit of paranoia several years ago, I disabled this feature.
With Thanksgiving approaching I opted to put it off till after the holiday. Well one holiday led to another and here we are after Christmas. After a serious search of the internet it seemed like I might need to actually pay for “premium support.” That is supposedly better than the regular support they are supposed to provide. (Regular support is flipping through the FAQs and hitting up the forum)
Fortunately I stumbled across a blog that said I could access my site from my provider account rather than my WordPress account. Once I was logged on there I just had click on WP-ADMIN and I was in.
Interestingly I reset my password to the one that it was supposed to be with out hitch and everything worked again.
Why did my password disappear? Who knows. But I was glad I did not have to pay to spend hours on the line with someone half way around the world just to get access to my own stuff.