Our Approach
Why Old Mass Rambler
Old - This one is easy. We have more years behind us than in front of us. Much as we may want to deny it, various aches and pains remind us that we are old.
Mass- We are from Massachusetts. Some might call us Massholes thinking they are insulting us. Most of us from Massachusetts take it a badge of honor.
Rambler - Now this is the part that has many facets. I , Mr. Ram was an engineer(Note from Mrs. Ram: Once an engineer always an engineer). As an old timer once said to me, "Ask an engineer the time and he will tell you how to build a clock." Needless to say I can ramble on and on about many subjects. And about that clock....
But wait there is more. Our goal is to wander about the country - rambling around aimlessly one might say. And what are we doing this in? A Ram Promaster van.
We also call it the Spartan Rambler because Mrs. Ram (I definitely DO NOT want to be called Ewe!) went to Michigan State University and is a Spartan believer complete with License plate frame. She is an avid Football Fan New England Patriots are my favorite Pro Team but the SPARTANS are my favorite college team.
Our Story
It is time to go
The kids are gone, the house is huge and how did we accumulate all this stuff? Time to simplify and move on.
But what to do with all that stuff? Whatever we could not convince relatives or friends to take has gone to eBay, Craigslist, St. Vincent or Savers. The remaining things are off to a small storage unit. The house will soon go to a new owner, and us into the wind.
Meet the Team
It takes all of us to get from here to there

Mr. Ram
Many years as an engineer.
A bout of Lyme Meningitis convinced him it might be time for a change.

He always has a drink in his hand and is ready to dance.

Mrs Ram
She has been ready to boldly go wherever for many years .
No convincing was needed to get her to hit the road.

Mom, Dad & Bruce
Base of Operations
Anybody on the road needs a place to hang their hat. There are a number of things that you just cannot do without a permanant address. And someone needs to forward you all that paper stuff the post office brings
"Sparty" started as a Ram Cargo Van. Transformed, he keeps us in line and moving or keeps us in place. Learn more here.

Player to be Named Later
As with any endeavor, you may not understand all facets of it when you begin. This spot is dedicated to those that help us along the way.
Next Steps...
check back later for more info and stop by our blog