Have a glass?

#vanlife .

We stopped at the Moon Dancer Winery in Wrightsville PA many weeks ago.  After sampling a few wines we purchased a Pinot Grigio.  When he looked for a chilled bottle the only ones had had were marked Pinot Noir.  He had run out the correct labels and just used some of the labels he had for a few bottles he had planned to use just for samples.

He opened the bottle for us and we ate our left-over, cold pizza out on the deck.  After a few days of overcast and intermittent rain the sun came out and gave us a wonderful view of the hills and Susquehanna river.

As we finished our dinner and wine the winery resident dog wandered over just to make sure we had not left any scraps.  He did seem to enjoy a good back massage and came over for more before we left.

As we sat there I pondered cups and glasses.  When we had a house we had a glasses for many occasion and drinks.  Large mouth red wine glasses, smaller white wine glasses, fluted glasses for champagne, beer mugs, beer glasses, shot glasses, brandy snifters, coffee cups, coffee mugs, tea cups… you get the picture.  Lots and lots of different cups, glasses and whatever so that you are drinking your beverage from the correct container if you wanted to.

Now we drink everything out of our plastic coffee cups, including that wonderful Pinot Grigio we had with our leftover pizza.

After nearly two months we have had white wine, red wine, whiskey, fire whiskey, honey whiskey, dessert wine, Baileys, orange pekoe tea, peppermint tea and, of course, coffee from those cups.  We now really miss all of those different containers.  Even when we thoroughly clean those cups, the hint of that last beverage lingers.  A hint of fire whiskey with the morning coffee?  That was actually pretty good.  Reminisces of peppermint tea with that red wine?  Not so much.

When we finally stopped for a week in Big Timber MT, one of the first things we craved were wine glasses.  To drink that chilled white wine from a real glass without a hint of coffee – Priceless.

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