Luckenbach, TX, established in 1849, had a good run but by 1970 its run was done. The town was sold…
Our base for our stay in Fredericksburg was the KOA located just outside of town. We had a great tent…
If the weather had been nicer we would have planned on staying at the McKinney Falls State Park. It’s close…
Austin is known for it’s music scene. As a newcomer in any area, we need to figure out how to…
We have stopped by a number of state capitols in our travels. The Lone Star States capitol has the distinction…
We stopped and hit the bike trails in Waco and in Austin. In Waco people seemed happier. Walkers said hi…
Thanksgiving found us in Texas and friends we had met in Glacier invited us to drop in for another free…
One of the questions we have been asked several times is, “Don’t you get sick of camp food?” We have…
We had stopped at the Meteor Crater east of Santa Fe but decided not to go in once we realized…
When Mrs Ram added the WASP Museum to our itinerary, I expected a lesson on bugs. What we found in…